The Nature of a Website Biography
A strong Bio is a perfect way to show your audience what is your mission statement. It describes what your goals are and why you are wanting to become a professional snowboarder. A well written bio can allow for the target audience a chance to decide on supporting your movement. Having an engaging Bio can create a connection or a form of relationship with your audience. This can cause your viewers to feel like you are only talking to them. Like a personal message or note. It really helps your audience feel they know you on a personal level. Although you don’t have a physical face-to-face connection with your audience so you can add features to your website to help strengthen your personal connection. Adding features to your website like podcast videos are a great way you audience can view you talking about what you’re doing that week or day. Another even stronger feature could be an online chat room, you can post a Skype name so you can carry on conversation with viewers. Even a simple place where someone can send you a message or a form of recommendation about your website can help a stronger connection and reach of relationships to your audience.
An example of someone who is related to my motives of this blog is a professional Snowboarder named Jake Blavelt. I wish my website was a nice as his but I know it takes time. He has created a unique blog of his lifestyle as a professional snowboarder. This Blog works well in creating an interpersonal experience with his audience. I Know when I read his blog and watch his videos it makes me want to know more and support his views. By him creating this connection with me it makes me want to stay on his webpage to find out more information. By me knowing this information about Jake because I feel so connected to him I can then tell more people that I know have the same beliefs and views. Causing Jake to get more traffic on his website. Jake provides a saturated website with a well written bio. This engaging content makes your feel like friends. Videos, Blog, photos, movies, and contact info all provides a user friendly experience which makes you feel connected stay longer and keep coming back.
It takes time to find out what works and what doesn’t with your bio just remember to always Update your bio now and again with your more recent accomplishments and reviews, lineup changes, etc. Have at least a few people proofread your bio. Fix those spelling or grammar mistakes. Make sure it reads well out-loud. Use hyperlinks and your bio should only be a page. Be sure to provide additional info for those who are curious. You can link to other blogs, photos, and videos. Get right to the story. Don’t dilly-dally with too much introduction. Cut out the fluff and get right to the action. And always add a photo to your bio page. A picture is worth a thousand words.

Have a good day!
Keep Shredding,
Carey Coleman